Karl Sutton, Dec. 1, 2023, CBN.com

“I came to America with only $50, knowing no one in this country. Could hardly speak English, even though I was poor. But I was happy, because I was free,” says Dr. Ming Wang. He is an internationally acclaimed laser eye surgeon, who has pioneered multiple vision correction techniques.

OCTOBER 27, 2023, Westwoodhorizon.com

Interview by Zongqing Chen, Edited by Yan Cheng and Liangshu Liu

Dr. Mingxu Wang

An expert in refractive surgery and corneal disease treatment. The prototype of the protagonist in the film "Sight."  In recent years, he has been dedicated to helping people find common ground and methods for problem-solving, striving for success and happiness.

Chat Records for 2023=09-25 Zoom Meeting with Dr. Wang  

21:20:37 From  Max Haifei Li / 李海飞 : Dr. Wang’s contact information: For tomorrow 9/26 Tues 6:45pm CT (7:45pm ET) my vision zoom, in which I will talk about SMILE (small-incision LASIK) (18+), Implantable Contact Lens (21+), Forever Young Lens (45+) to improve BOTH distance AND reading, laser cataract surgery (60+). RSVP www.drmingwang.com. Most welcomed!  Ming Wang, MD, PhD, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., www.drmingwang.com, wechat (ballroom123)

asiasociety july 2023


Thursday, August 17, 2023
6:30 p.m. Film Screening
8:30 p.m. Discussion

The film Sight — starring Terry Chen (Almost FamousFalling) and Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winning Greg Kinnear — is based on the true story of Dr. Ming Wang, a poor Chinese immigrant who defied all odds by becoming a world-renowned eye surgeon in the United States. Sight will open nationally in theaters on October 27, 2023.